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startup business

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

choosing a startup business and writing a 1125 word (double spaced, times new roman, 12 pt. font) review regarding the following:

(1) What problem is this startup trying to solve?  (2) Will this startup be successful is solving this problem and why? (3) What is the target market for this startup? (4) Will this startup be successful in reaching this target market and why?  (5) Will the business be financially successful and why?  (6) Address at least one strength and one weakness of the business in your opinion (marketing/social/legal/financial/other), (7) What are two significant challenges to starting a business such as this? (8) What are two questions that you have regarding starting a business such as this?  The startups selected should be no more than five years old. 

Websites that you can find startups are: (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.), and

166 Words  1 Pages
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