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The new realities of globalization and increased accountability are forcing public and nonprofit organizations to reconsider their use of traditional management practices

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Public Management Reform
The new realities of globalization and increased accountability are forcing public and nonprofit organizations to reconsider their use of traditional management practices. Instead, organizations are opting for results-oriented management practices typically associated with private, for-profit organizations. Over the past few decades, several major public management reform initiatives were created to address the demand for increased accountability.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Think about how public and nonprofit organizations differ from private, for-profit organizations (e.g., environment, goals). Consider potential challenges associated with implementing private, for-profit management practices in the reform of public and nonprofit organizations. Then reflect on the applicability of private, for-profit management practices to public and nonprofit organizations.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of how private, for-profit organizations differ from public and nonprofit organizations. Then, describe at least one challenge associated with implementing private, for-profit management practices in the reform of public and nonprofit organizations, and provide a specific example. Finally, explain the private management practice you feel is the most applicable to public and nonprofit organizations and why.

195 Words  1 Pages
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