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Legend says that people are given three names. The first name is the one that their parents give them. The second name is the one that friends bestow on them, i.e., nicknames. The third is the name that the individual creates for him/herself.

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Paper Instructions:

Legend says that people are given three names. The first name is the one that their parents give them. The second name is the one that friends bestow on them, i.e., nicknames. The third is the name that the individual creates for him/herself. Incorporate as much as you can of the following: Why were you given your name? Do you like/dislike your name? Explain. Is your name a good fit for your personality? If not, what name would you choose and why? Do people presume something about you because of your name? Explain. Finally, what does it mean to create a name for yourself? Be creative and introspective. Please see the attached document

125 Words  1 Pages
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