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One of the local hospitals wants to assure that they have enough nurses for incoming patients needing assistance, especially in the emergency room.

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Paper Instructions:

One of the local hospitals wants to assure that they have enough nurses for incoming patients needing assistance, especially in the emergency room.  To insure there are enough nurses on duty, but not an overage which would waste hospital resources, the following data regarding the number of patients entering the hospital over the last several weeks has been gathered.  The data does not include weekend patient traffic, as the hospital has previously done a similar study and staffed weekends appropriately.  You are to analyze the data using ANOVA methodology and determine if there are any differences in the number of patients served by the day of the week.  If you find there are differences, which days seem to be the busiest?  You are to write a report to the hospital nursing manager of your findings.  Be sure to include the problem statement (what you were asked to do), your analysis (include the statistical methodology used with graphs, charts, formulas, etc.), and your findings, along with a recommendation for staffing. 

181 Words  1 Pages
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