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Widgetco, Inc

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Widgetco, Inc. has been highly successful over the past several years in making widgets.  As the company has grown, new people, new computers, new everything has been put in place.  One of the key challenges has been trying to ensure that everyone is paid correctly, performance evaluations are done in a timely fashion, and human resource metrics are captured in such a way as to frame efforts at retention and minimization of employee turn-over.  Widgetco, Inc. is great at making widgets, but as the company has grown, hasn’t been so great about taking care of employees.

They are bringing you in as a consultant to recommend a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) as a computer platform to help them work with their employees better.  Your job is to note what they are deficient at (as identified above) and then find a system through your research on the Internet that might best meet their needs that is easy to use, low-cost, and lets them focus on making widgets, but taking care of people too!

So, based off of the challenges they face, design a presentation using either Animoto (, Prezi (, or PowerPoint that identifies the correct HRIS system for them to use and explains the reasons why the choice is clear.  Remember you are a consultant, and create a presentation that would be designed to be given to the owners/key management of Widgetco, Inc. to help sell your solution.  You should target around 10 slides worth of content in whatever form you decide to present in.

271 Words  1 Pages
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