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Leading organization change

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Based on the case study, “Leading organization change (Barsoux& Glimartin, 2007 -INSEAD)” answer the following question?
•    If you had been appointed in Tracey Byrne’s place, would you have handled things in the same way? Please justify your answer supported by appropriate theory.

(What was tracey burns weakness in her leadership style (criticism)and put recommendation if there is any alternative approach if appointed in her place depending on leadership models and theory like situational or  path goal or contingency theory ( what is the best leadership style need to adapt in this case study to overcome the problems that happened ( or best theory fit like path goal theory or full range theory.

one point in the case study which was obvious that she supported the nurse but not the physician and the social services so make an argument about that stated that as( from my point of view as a physician)

163 Words  1 Pages
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