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Comparative International Management

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Text book "Comparative International Management Second Edition" 
Read the "country-of-origin effect on MNCs" in your textbook on page 357-359.
Read the entire chapter 12, except for the case on China Southern Airlines. 
Explain in detail the country-of-origin effect on each airline (except for China Southern). Specifically, show which actions, behavior, or policies of each airlines (i.e., KLM, Southwest Airlines, and Lufthansa) clearly reflect influences of their home countries (i.e. where the airlines "grew up"). 
Please write a few sentences or a paragraph explaining each country-of-origin effect stated in a case. In other words, avoid fine details and excessively long explanations, but at the same time, do not just provide a list or a table.  
Please make sure you identify every country-of-origin effect on all the three airlines. Note that you do not need to look into the other airlines mentioned in the cases, such as Aeroflot, Alitalia, Air France, British Airways, etc. Only focus on KLM, Southwest, and Lufthansa.

172 Words  1 Pages
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