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assume the role of a Director of a business or facility and write a memorandum to your head administrator describing ‘events’ or recommending changes that you feel need to be implemented at the facility to improve operations, efficiencies, outcomes, etc.

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Paper Instructions:

For the business writing you will assume the role of a Director of a business or facility and write a memorandum to your head administrator describing “events” or recommending changes that you feel need to be implemented at the facility to improve operations, efficiencies, outcomes, morale, etc. This writing should be based on experiences in your work environment and should involve MATERIAL issues. An event memorandum should incorporate the following concepts: (i) a description of the event, (ii) effects of events, and (iii) changes required by the event. A policy change memorandum should incorporate the following concepts: (i) a description of the policy change, (ii) how the change will be implemented, and (iii) hurdles that may need to be overcome. The memorandum must be typed with 1” margins, single spacing, a 12 point Times Roman font (including the header portion of the memorandum) and between 1 ½ and 2 pages in length.

Exhibit A in the syllabus contains the format for the memorandum. You must use this format and may NOT use a different format, such as a Memo format with a 25 point Memorandum Heading. Papers not utilizing this format will be returned and could result in course failure.

Below is Exhibit A.

M E M O R A N D U M 

TO:  February 2020 Class 
FROM:  Ms. Jane Smith  
DATE:  February 10, 2020 
RE:  Format for Business Memorandum 

This Exhibit A demonstrates the format that must be used for the business memorandum. Please follow the font and margin guidelines, especially the font guideline for the title memorandum as set forth above. Use of any other format will result in the paper being returned. Good luck with the project!

293 Words  1 Pages
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