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What were the expected roles of women in Europe in the Middle Ages?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Gender Roles, Subject and Power
What were the expected roles of women in Europe in the Middle Ages? How did roles for women change throughout the Renaissance and into the 19C? Please explain how these roles influenced the lives of women artists and the subjects of their work. Citing references to the readings, please use examples through the 19C to illustrate the challenges women artists faced. How did they overcome these or reference them in their work?

~750-1000 words. Include citations of the class readings in your post (Chadwick and Guerrilla Girls). Please be sure to include at least three images and two links. See checklist below for other issues to consider and include in your post.

Refer to this checklist for guidance on the post structure and expectations:
-You should reference the Guerrilla Girls book and the Whitney Chadwick textbook.
-Please include in-body citations of the readings (author, pg)
-Include a brief "works cited" at the bottom of the post with the two (or more) readings you are citing from. You can use APA, MLA or Chicago formats for citation
-Images should have captions. What is the image? Why is it included? Is it referenced in your text?
-Links must link -please make sure your links LINK. Why is the link included? Think about how the hyperlink is used online. Integrate your links into your writing. They should augment the information provided.
-Images must be sized correctly and should fit in the body of the blog.

258 Words  1 Pages
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