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Cultivating Resilience & Communal Coping in Small Groups

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, first please choose one of these topics:

1) Working in Small Groups

2) Leadership in Small Groups

3) Communicating Across Difference in Small Groups

4) Cultivating Resilience & Communal Coping in Small Groups

Second, develop a major claim around this topic area (e.g., a thesis). Support this major claim with a set of minor claims (e.g., main points).

The thesis statement should focus your major claim into one or two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic. The thesis statement should enable the reader to know what the paper is about while also helping you guide your writing to keep your argument focused.

In crafting your position on the topic, the best essays will be ones that balance rigor and imagination. In other words, be different but not too different; make an interesting or novel claim, but do so by bringing your claim into conversation with the voices of distinguished scholars.

Strive to craft both your major and minor claims to be concise, valid, and evocative. In supporting your claims, use adequate evidence that relates to the claim and is concrete.

Total word count: 1000 words (plus or minus 35 words, not including title page or references). APA style.

230 Words  1 Pages
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