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Accounting for Leases

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Paper Instructions:

Using the Internet, go to the FASB Website, located at, and other resources to research accounting for Leases.
Write a e paper in which you:

1. Based on your research, compare and contrast the early historical accounting for Leases with the guidance / rules in place today.

2. Select two public business corporations and download the most current annual reports for them. You can find the annual reports on the corporations’ website. Usually the corporate annual reports are located in the Investor section of the website that you typically find by scrolling to the bottom of the website home page. Find information about leases in the financial statements and notes to the financial statements. Include the exact page number in the annual report where this information is found. Compare and contrast how the two corporations report how they measure and report leases. 

3. Predict the significant manner in which the future of accounting for leases could change, based on potential changes in the business and political climate that you foresee. Provide support for your prediction(s).

4. Use at least three (3) quality references. Two will be the most recent annual reports for the two corporations. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

221 Words  1 Pages
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