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You will write a three to five page paper reflecting on your experience in your team project, the effectiveness of the team, and your performance as a team member.

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Paper Instructions:

You will write a three to five page paper reflecting on your experience in your team project, the effectiveness of the team, and your performance as a team member. You will provide a two part report. In the first part, you will detail how effectively your team worked together, how tasks were divided, and who collaborated on what tasks. You will describe your team’s process for identifying strengths and weaknesses of individual team members, and how the results of that process affected your team’s strategy for executing the project. Focus about a third of the paper on these questions.

The balance of your paper will reflect on your team work capabilities. Based on your experience, assess your strengths and areas where you could improve your ability to function on a team. Detail any instances where there was conflict, and your response to that conflict. Did you respond in a way that maximized team results? If not, what will you do differently next time? Also detail any instances where you had an opportunity to leverage your experience and knowledge for the good of the team. Did contribute or decide to abstain, and why.  Most organizations require their employees to work on a team at some level. You are expected to use this reflective process to identify ways you can work more effectively in a team environment.

236 Words  1 Pages
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