Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Please, watch the video Where America Stands: Manufacturing listed below; click in the videos’ link. Copy and paste the URL onto your browser to view the following short videos so you can contrast the past 10 years:
Where America Stands: Manufacturing - A half-million manufacturing jobs were lost during the recession. In the CBS News series "Where America Stands," John Blackstone reports getting those essential jobs back may require a change in attitude.
After you view the video, please post and discuss about your impressions using the following questions as a guide (please quote any source of information and make sure you fully address each question):
1. Can America thrive without manufacturing jobs?
2. What should be combined with labor costs besides quality? Why?
3. What’s your posture regarding “outsourcing” overseas?
please write up to 300-400 words
I have attached a file of the book, focus on chapter 8 if needed