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Identify a critical incident within an organization where leadership performance is essential to achieve organizational goals. NB: A critical incident can be defined as any non-routine event where the effectiveness of the behaviour and decision-making of

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Paper Instructions:

Identify a critical incident within an organization where leadership performance is essential to achieve organizational goals. NB: A critical incident can be defined as any non-routine event where the effectiveness of the behaviour and decision-making of those involved, especially those in leadership positions, could have a significant and adverse impact on the likely outcomes.

Based on your research and exploration of leadership theory in the mid module assignment develop a hypothesis about the appropriate leadership behaviour for dealing with the critical incident to be examined.

Assess your own leadership behaviour and own ability to develop leadership capability in others (based on structured assessments, insights into your own performance as a leader and formal and informal feedback you have collected) and, using appropriate techniques; critically reflect on how you would have behaved in the same situation and how you might change your behaviour in future.

Design and implement a plan for modifying your own behaviour.

165 Words  1 Pages
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