Internal audit questionnaire
- Is internal audit function necessary?
- How is the relationship between management and internal control function?
- Describe the expectations of management on the independent audit
- Does the management engage in continuous dialogue with internal auditors?
- What role does internal audit play in ensuring effectiveness of governance process?
- Please describe how your unit interacts with other units in the organization
- What are the major risks that your organization is exposed to?
- Please explain the ways in which internal audit help in risk management
- How much is audit committee recognized in your organization?
- How does audit committee ensure the processes of internal control address risk management?
- Please explain how the audit committee participates in the training and development of internal auditors.
- How is the information technology integrated in the internal audit function?
- Please explain how the internal audit activities align to the organization goals and vision?
- How much assurance is given by the audit committee on the independence of internal audit function?
- Please explain how the audit committee addresses the organization’s expectation
- How do management and audit committee address the recommendations of internal audit?
- How does the management evaluate the effectiveness of internal audit?
- Please explain how other departments depend on internal audit control
- Are you satisfied with the performance of internal audit function?
- Please give a summary description of the values your organization receives from internal audit.
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