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            The Levi advertisement has the rhetorical approach to the reader which is approved by the great display of rare expressive indicator of values based on competition. The advertisement puts emphasis on contribution and assortment, responsibility and cooperation and an open communication.  Customers are more challenging and influential while suppliers are many and isolated. Customers are more changeable. What is more rhetoric in the advertisement is the fact that companies have set forceful goals where they symbolize change and this shows that they are essential to our business.   This makes it bombast to the reader as this sounds much impossible and also to the advertiser (Kurtz, 2014).

            Tough as your spirit highlights an issue to the reader, that people should do their best and not to look back. What is rhetoric here to the reader is whether the advertisement will echo with the present generation of the American youths.  I am sure that the American youths has a good opportunity as Americans have been responding to calls on lighting the national essence.  Levis advertisement taps into the present threatening and hopeful attitude of the young Americans. Through the advertisement, it is proofed that the new generation is confident and optimistic but there are many efforts that are focused on talking about the youths.  There, the question of youths arises from the advertisement.  The advertisement outlines the fresh, hard and forever cheerful spirit that made the advertiser’s brand and brings it to life as a clarion call for this new generation. The advertisement shows how the advertiser got in America through inventiveness and bravery.  The advertisement was to give home to the birthright and also to refresh and reinvent the notion of a revolutionary spirit for the current living times (Kurtz, 2014).     



Kurtz, D. L. (2014). CONTEMPORARY MARKETING. Levi’s go forth. TOUGH AS YOUR SPIRIT              

307 Words  1 Pages
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