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Marketing Personal Plan

Marketing Personal Plan

            I am an intelligent student, 26 years old, looking forward to graduate as a double major student in Human resource and general business. I am an ambitious person always proud of integrity, personal growth, responsibility, and always passionate for continuous learning due to the fact that I am not yet having any experience in the field. I am determined to fulfill my vision and dreams by creating good results for the organization and this is through working according to the organization objectives (Shouse, 1995). I will embrace challenge and pursue excellence throughout my career in human resource in addition to the skill acquired in general business. My goal is to see myself as a manager in one of the big organizations and companies in future.

            Despite the fact that I do not have experience yet, I will be in position to apply the theoretical skills to perform my duties. Additionally, I am always determined to learn and if given the opportunity, I will be able to utilize and get equipped in the field. I want to get a job in the field of human resource. The knowledge in general business has taught me a lot in business functions and this can help in making appropriate decisions according to the organization’s goals. I have set for myself a time frame of achieving my goal and this is maximally 7 months. In this period, my priority will be how to get established in the organization. I strongly believe that I will achieve my goal regardless of the fact that I have no any recognized experience in the field. I am positive about my success and I can accomplish that goal within the set time frame despite the challenges and obstacles that do arise in the field. Achieving such a goal opens one to more opportunities in future (Shouse, 1995).


Shouse, D. (1995). Making your mark: how to develop a personal plan for becoming more visible and more appreciated at work.

332 Words  1 Pages
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