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financial performance

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Paper instructions:

Mid-of-term project: For the project, students will work in groups of 5 members, and select an industry whose financial performance they will analyze (a comprehensive list of industries can be found in the Mergent Online database). The points that each group is required to discuss are:
1. The reason(s) for industry selection. 
2. A rigorous financial analysis of the selected industry. To address this point, students must select 7-8 public companies with a December fiscal-year end that belong to their selected industry, calculate their financial ratios based on firms’ FY2017, and briefly summarize the findings. Indicate the best and worst performers in each ratio category and on average. The financial ratios students need to calculate are as follows:
a. Liquidity: current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio
b. Solvency (leverage): total debt ratio, long-term debt ratio, and times interest earned ratio
c. Asset management: total assets turnover, inventory turnover, and receivables turnover
d. Profitability: profit margin, ROA and ROE
e. Market: current P/E
3. Would you recommend this industry for investment? Why? Explain briefly.

183 Words  1 Pages
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