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What is the AMA?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
PART I: The American Marketing Association (AMA) 

Access the American Marketing Association’s website which can be found at: 

In your own words (don’t just copy and paste the information) discuss the following: Hint: 
Four to five complete sentences and/or a bulleted list of facts should be sufficient for most 

1) What is the AMA? 

2) Briefly discuss the history of the AMA and some of the milestones that you found 

3) How does the AMA define marketing and marketing research? 

4) Briefly summarize and discuss some of the key elements described in the AMA’s Statement 
of Ethics. 

5) Discuss some of the benefits and categories of AMA membership. 

PART II: Careers in Marketing 

Answer the following questions using the AMA website and the Occupational Information Network 
(The O*NET), one of the nation's primary source of occupational information, which can be found 

Again, answer each question in your own words (don’t just copy and paste the information). Hint: 
Four to five complete sentences and/or a bulleted list of facts should be sufficient. 

1) Briefly discuss some of the careers in the marketing profession. In your response, describe 
two or three marketing job titles/categories and the necessary KSA’s (Knowledge, Skills, & 

2) Discuss the career outlook for the marketing profession.

230 Words  1 Pages
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