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Website Ranking of Fashion Brands

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Paper Instructions;

This Assignment has 2 parts:

Part 1: Website Ranking of Fashion Brands
Conduct a search on a product that could be found on the sites of two fashion brands (e.g., strappy sandals). Note  how each ranks in the search results.  If they rank low, list three suggestions on how they can improve their ranking (e.g., on page and off page tactics - be specific). If they rank high on the search, list three reasons why.  Make sure your comments are a minimum of 100 words for each site analyzed.

Part 2: Based on a review of their website, list the keywords and phrases used by your selected fashion brand. Compare them to the keywords and phrases used by two of the brand's competitors. Highlight the words that are used by all three brands.  List words that are unique to each brand.  What other words and phrases could your selected fashion brand use to stand out from competitors based on Google's (or other) keyword search tool.  Ensure your suggested words are based on research, traffic generated and odds of winning a bid for that keyword.  Your recommendations should be in paragraph form and at least 100 words.

208 Words  1 Pages
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