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Suppose you wish to learn the size of the soft-drink market, particularly root beer sales, growth patterns, and market shares. Indicate probable sources for these secondary data.

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Please answer the following 5 questions separately. 

1.    Suppose you wish to learn the size of the soft-drink market, particularly root beer sales, growth patterns, and market shares.  Indicate probable sources for these secondary data.

2.    Identify and summarize the three typical research objectives for secondary data studies.  Then provide examples of each and potential sources for secondary data that might be used.

3.    A newspaper reporter finds data in a study that surveyed children that reports that a high percentage of children can match cartoon characters with the products they represent.  For instance, they can match cereal with Captain Crunch and Ronald McDonald with a Big Mac.  The reporter used this to write a story about the need to place limits on the use of cartoon characters.  However, the study also provided data suggesting that matching the cartoon character and the product did not lead to significantly higher consumption.  Would this be a proper use of secondary data?  Explain.

4.  Ong & Jensen (1994) provide a critical review of the SIC classification system.  While the SIC system has been replaced by the NAICS system, discuss whether you believe this new system alleviates the concerns expressed by Ong & Jensen or if they still persist?

5.  What do psychographics contribute to our understanding of consumer (or organizational) purchasing behavior and ability to segment markets above and beyond merely knowing demographics?  What are the difficulties associated with measuring and using psychographics?

Once you are done answering these questions, please comment one comment on each of these two responses. The comment should be a few sentences not big paragraphs. For example, weather you agree or disagree with the response.
1- This would be an example of secondary data. It falls into the category of Commercial Sources under consumer attitude and public opinion research. This particular type of research can offer services from reporting findings from attitude research and opinion polls. Although the research may not be particularly helpful because it had no impact on higher consumption, it was data that was previously collected for some purpose other than the one on hand which is the definition of secondary data.

2- Ong & Jensen found several problems with the old SIC classification system. They include diversity, absence of criteria for classification, insufficient categories, and intra-industry heterogeneity. I do not think any of these issues still exist in the NAICS system used today. The expansion of the codes from 4 to 6 digits allow for more diversity, sufficient categories, and intra-industry homogeneity. The NAICS also allows for more flexibility in emerging market sectors which eliminates the absence of criteria for classification.

446 Words  1 Pages
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