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Describe your philosophy or your ideas about ethics.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe your philosophy or your ideas about ethics. 

- Have you been challenged by, or observed someone else face an ethical situation? What was the issue? How did you resolve it?

The textbooks discusses examples of the tactics that companies have used to engage or transform organizations at the senior levels, and at scale, i.e. large groups of people. 

- Many of the companies used tactics that are based on digital media. Have you had an experience in developing a media asset or property to engage, influence or convince large groups to take an action? What as the action? What was the result of the initiative? Were there any unexpected consequences?

The lecture includes a description of "corporate social responsibility"

- Are you aware of a company that has a CSR program? As a customer or marketplace observer, how did you learn about it?

- How do you, your friends or colleagues respond to CSR programs like this one? How does it affect how you feel and how you interact with the company?

185 Words  1 Pages
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