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case study. Nike--Globalizing the Sportswear Industry

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Step 1: Review the case study. Nike--Globalizing the Sportswear Industry

Step 2: Copy below link and Read  Notes on Product Line Management and Product-Life Cycle:// 

Also review the following Notes:

Watch Product Decisions Video before answering Question 2 in the Assignment - measures disciplinary knowledge; strategic thinking and decision making

Watch Distribution Channel Decisions Video before answering Question 4 in the Assignment - measures disciplinary knowledge; strategic thinking and decision making

Notes on Channel Management and Product-Life Cycle - measures disciplinary knowledge; strategic thinking and decision making

Step 3
Open the attached document "Assignment 4", answer each of the 5 questions. Note - the customer is the target market for each element of the mix.  the mix must be specifically relevant for your selected target market not what the firm currently does.

157 Words  1 Pages
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