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The Real Economy in the Long Run

The Real Economy in the Long Run

Despite the government instability of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the country has fought so hard and powerfully towards gaining economic stability. Corruption, lack of skilled labor, underdeveloped infrastructure and high taxes posed on the citizens of the republic also affect5 the rate at which the country is able to realize their dream (Asia, D. I. M. F. M. E. C. 2015). The country recruited foreign investment in 2010 from which they realized a more than five percent improvement in their GDP. The country was still in the process of rephrasing a wide-ranging speculation program to standardize direct extraneous investment. This was expected to be realized by 2011.

It is also key to note that the Government does a mandatory screening of any foreign investor in their country (Aiyar, & International Monetary Fund. 2013). The government has guaranteed any legal entity or individual who wishes to undertake any business activities that goes hand in hand with the laws and regulations of the country. The microeconomics of the country is depends on the how the households are able to meet their requirements and also what they face as a household. However, in this case the macroeconomics which are all inclusive of both the domestic and foreign investors. The finance of the country also is better off compared to what they have been doing in the past (Asia, D. I. M. F. M. E. C. 2015). According to World Bank, the 40% of the population was having an income that is above the poverty level by the year 2004. In this case at that time the growth rate of the individuals or household consumption was growing at 4.1% per annum.

At this rate of growth in consumption especially any company is likely to experience great positive changes (Aiyar, & International Monetary Fund. 2013). The company Apple experienced an increase in the consumption of its products there is most probably a positive influence in the progress of the company as well as the whole economy. From this come the overall economic excellence which is counted as a positive or negative change. Economy be in a vicious cycle, it again contributes to the overall growth and even power of the whole economy inclusive of any investor whether foreign.


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Asia, D. I. M. F. M. E. C. (2015). Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Washington: International Monetary Fund.

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Aiyar, S., & International Monetary Fund. (2013). Growth slowdowns and the middle-income trap. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund.

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431 Words  1 Pages
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