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The essay will be a take home project covering a uniquely selected country (England). You will be expected to study and analyze the country background and current events and news, history of its financial system, currency devaluations and revaluations, po

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The essay will be a take home project covering a uniquely selected country (England). You will be expected to study and analyze the country background and current events and news, history of its financial system, currency devaluations and revaluations, political stability and likelihood of government nationalization/confiscation of assets, economic freedom index, debt-to-GDP, balance of payments, level and trends of interest rates (nominal and real), degree of sophistication of its financial system, currency controls and other capital outflow constraints, trading patterns, unemployment trends, demographics and population growth, inflation and shadow inflation, existence of cartels and price fixing, quality of products and services, overall competitiveness of products abroad.

115 Words  1 Pages
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