Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer
Let’s use what you have learned about monetary policy and think about current real-world policy issues in the U.S. and elsewhere. Start by going to the website:
Watch Chair Janet Yellen’s most recent press conference and summarize what you learned. How does the Fed think the economy is doing and how does that change its policy decisions? (You are welcome to read analysis of this statement from other sources if you would like, just cite any sources you do use.)
Now let’s consider international differences in central banks by doing some internet research. Look up the central bank of another country you’re interested in. It can be any country except one that is in the European Union since your book already talked a bit about the European Central Bank. Explain what you learned about the Central Bank you’ve chosen and how it is similar to and different from the Federal Reserve in its structure and tools. Then briefly describe what economic challenges that Central Bank is currently dealing with and how they are handling them.
Please submit a maximum of two single-spaced pages. I am not picky about citation format, as long as it is easy for me to find the sources that you used. Just giving me links is fine!