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Classical, Keynesian, Rational Expectations, or Real business cycle economic theory

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Choose a topic that can be applied to one of the following economic concepts (possible curves or equations: Phillips curve, AS and AD curves of money supply, balance of trade, loanable funds S/D, exchange rates S/D, or any other curve or equation discussed related to this section) 

a.  Classical, Keynesian, Rational Expectations, or Real business cycle economic theory
b.  Consensus and Conflict in Modern Macroeconomic Policy
c.  2008 Financial Crisis and Aftermath
d.  Free trade, budget surpluses/debt, balance of payments, exchange rates, trade policy
Refer to the Current Events assignment requirements that are located in the Seminars folder for detailed instructions pertaining to all current events assignments throughout the class including recommended page length. Include reference and graph or chart

129 Words  1 Pages
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