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Scenario 3—Antitrust Mitchell Dawson and three of his friends purchased nonrefundable tickets from Live Nation Entertainment to attend a concert at the Straz Center in Tampa. The front of the ticket included a printed statement that the price included a $

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Paper Instructions:

Scenario 3—Antitrust
Mitchell Dawson and three of his friends purchased nonrefundable tickets from Live
Nation Entertainment to attend a concert at the Straz Center in Tampa. The front of the
ticket included a printed statement that the price included a $10 parking fee. Dawson and
his friends hired an Uber driver to take them to the concert.
Frustrated at being charged for parking that he did not need, Dawson filed a lawsuit in
federal district court against Live Nation arguing that the bundled parking fee was unfair
since consumers were forced to pay it in order to attend the concert. He asserted the
tying arrangement violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act.
· Present the arguments that both parties to the lawsuit would make.
· Select a winner and support your choice.

143 Words  1 Pages
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