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Perceptions of Intimacy

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Paper instructions:

"Perceptions of Intimacy"

•Go to the Office of Justice Programs Website located at or use the Internet to research "Sex Offenders and Sex Offenses." Next, specify two (2) fundamental advantages and two (2) disadvantages of state or federal criminalization in deterring sexual deviance. Next, take a position as to whether or not the  government (local, state, or federal) should govern consenting adults using the Internet to engage in adult activities. Provide a rationale to support your response.

•Choose three (3) areas of heterosexuality that define “sexual norms” in the United States. Next, specify two (2) characteristics of heterosexuals that define “deviations from sexual norms” then propose one (1) recommendation that could bring social views regarding intimacy to a “middle of the road” position. Provide rationale to support your response. 

142 Words  1 Pages
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