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Discuss the moral dilemmas faced by Hank and Jacob.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Themes - Social Justice, Rationality, and Decision-Making

Film Screening:  “A Simple Plan” (1998) feature film directed by Sam Raimi

Readings:        RAFTER:  Ch. 6

Assignment questions for film “A Simple Plan” and readings by RAFTER

The discussion question should help you to formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write two – three paragraphs of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.  DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film. By using the discussion questions, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material.
I expect references to the textbook and other assigned readings (no need for formal APA citations; just include the page numbers) and evidence that you have been thinking about the issues that arise from the film and the assigned readings.

  Be sure to point out any and all major Criminal justice  themes within the movie and \ such as :Social Justice, Rationality, and Decision-Making. Site the reading to go with the assertions.


    How does the film “A Simple Plan” deal with value conflicts in our society? (refer to pp. 200-202 in Rafter, Ch. 7).

.    What does “A Simple Plan” tell us about ourselves? How does it accomplish this?

.    Discuss the moral dilemmas faced by Hank and Jacob.

.    Would it ever be okay to take the money? (i.e., drug money, etc.).

    Finally, what does this film have to say about the causes of crime?

286 Words  1 Pages
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