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Hong Kong Legal System and Legal Method

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Part 1 (maximum of 1500 words) 

What is the rationale behind the doctrine of stare decisis? Explain how the doctrine of stare decisis operates in Hong Kong. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine?  You should support your answer with relevant authorities.

Part 2 (maximum of 500 words)  

Conduct search for the following case:  HKSAR v Hossain Billal (unrep., HCMA 466/2016, 3 January 2017)  Note down for this criminal case:
(a)    The offence the appellant/defendant is being charged with.
(b)    The issue(s) in dispute.
(c)    The outcome of the case.
(d)    The ratio or reasons for the decision in not more than 300 words.

119 Words  1 Pages
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