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Who’s at Fault

Paper instructions:

"Who’s at Fault" Please respond to the following:
•The law of the United States punishes only culpable behavior and thus the legal principles of mens rea (i.e., guilty mind) and actus rea (i.e., the forbidden act or omission) form the basis of a criminal prosecution. Compare and contrast these two (2) concepts then specify whether the concurrent occurrence of these elements is more beneficial to the prosecution or the defense. Justify your response.  
•Go to the FindLaw Website located at or use the Internet to research "Three Strikes" sentencing laws. Next, based on the textbook and your research, analyze the importance of “Three Strike” sentencing laws as they relate to a career criminal engaging in more complex criminal activities as a means of completing his or her identity. Support your response with one example of such case. 

Be sure to include a minimum of two outside sources for your post using APA format, in-text citations, and a reference list. 

166 Words  1 Pages
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