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Based upon the Court of Appeals’ decision and what you read, do you think that the Court of Appeals would have decided the same way if the plaintiff was 17 years old at the time of the accident? Why/why not?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Case Link for the questions

Activity Instructions- Each question must be within the essay in bold then under each question an answer should be written. 
Answer the following questions:

1.  Summarize the facts of the case

2.  What happened at the trial court level? What was the holding of the Colorado Court of Appeals?

2.  Define and distinguish a void and a voidable contract

3.  Explain what ratification of a contract means
4.  Was there ratification of this contract?  Why/why not?
5.  The plaintiff attacks the validity of the contract on several grounds. Identify the plaintiff’s arguments and explain the Court of Appeals' decision on each point.
6.    Based upon the Court of Appeals’ decision and what you read, do you think that the Court of Appeals would have decided the same way if the plaintiff was 17 years old at the time of the accident?  Why/why not?
8.  Do you think that the Court of Appeals should have considered the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries and how they occurred in reaching its decision?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

    3-4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
    1-inch margins
    Double spaced
    12-point Times New Roman font
    Requires introduction, paragraphs with each question having its own subheading, and a conclusion
    APA citations must be present within the body of the assignment

240 Words  1 Pages
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