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Paper Instructions:
Cropf et al.: Case Study 11—The Oakdale Administrator
You will be required to write a critique of two case studies. Each case study critique will be between 3–5 pages in length, should discuss the major facts of the case, and should tell whether or not you believe the right decision(s) was/were made and why. The format of each case study critique should be as follows:
Identify the important facts in the case study
What decision(s) were made in the case study
Do you believe the decisions were appropriate
Discuss any alternative solution(s) to the problem and support those solutions with additional research (with similar cases)
Make sure each section is labeled appropriately (Facts, Decision, Solution, Conclusion)
Citation style: APA.
All papers should use the APA formatting to include the following: Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1” margins from left to right and top to bottom, double spaced, number pages, and include a title page.
Each Case Study is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the module/week in which it is assigned.
Please see the attached rubric for specific guidelines and grading procedures.