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Bill and Frank are roommates in a two-bedroom apartment.  Each has his own room. They live in a state that has not legalized marijuana in any form.

Bill works for an immigration attorney as an office manager.  Frank works driving for Uber and Lyft.

One day, Bill thought he smelled marijuana smoke coming from Frank's room.  That evening, while Frank was out driving for Uber and Lyft, Bill snuck into Franks room and went through his drawers.  In there, Bill found a large plastic bag of what he knew to be marijuana.

Bill called the police and when they arrived, he showed them the bag of marijuana in Frank's room.  Bill gave the police Frank's license plate number and the police were able to locate Frank's car.  They pulled him over.

The police confirmed Frank's identity and home address and asked him if he had a large bag of marijuana in his bedroom.  Frank declined to answer or say anything.  The police arrested him and charged him with possession of marijuana in an amount that made it a felony.

Were Frank's Fourth Amendment rights violated by Bill going into his room?
Were Frank's Fourth Amendment rights violated by the police pulling his car?
Were Frank's Fourth Amendment rights violated by the police arresting him

225 Words  1 Pages
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