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Mendelsohn’s theory of victimization and the issue of victim blaming

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Paper Instructions:

Write a paper discussing Mendelsohn’s theory of victimization and the issue of victim blaming. Your paper must include a discussion of the five factors discussed in Opportunity Theory, as well as Mendelsohn’s typology of victims. Your discussion of victim blaming should include an overview of this issue in victimology (not simply a personal opinion or a brief definition) and an examination of how it relates to Mendelsohn’s theory.

It is expected that you will conduct a literature review for this assignment and that your paper will reference studies or other scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. To be clear, you cannot rely solely on the textbook for this assignment. Wikipedia or similar Internet sources will not be accepted as scholarly sources of information in this course. You must use APA formatting for your references.

146 Words  1 Pages
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