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This exercise will refresh summary and executive writing skills and will assist with the connection of terrorist organization activities with the readings in chapter three.

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Paper Instructions:

This exercise will refresh summary and executive writing skills and will assist with the connection of terrorist organization activities with the readings in chapter three.

1.    After reading Chapter 3 fully, revise the section headed The Palestinians as Mentors: The Rise of Revolutionary Left-Wing Terrorism. Make note of changes internationally and in the US, during the 60s that fueled the rise of left-wing terrorist activity. 
2.    Research the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) noting the connections between the rise of this group and the readings mentioned above.
3.    Create a short executive summary that: a) outlines society changes in the 60s, particularly in the US; b) explain how the SLA was potentially influenced by the Palestinians (what do they want to achieve and how did they go about it); c) highlight some key activities of the group that clearly demonstrate influence by the Palestinians.
4.    The goal of the ES is to provide the reader with a clear picture of the international influence of the PLO and how those influences shaped the activities of a US-based terrorist group; the SLA.
5.    Be sure to create a reference section in the ES and accurately cite, in APA, all places where information is gathered from; e.g. websites, magazines, textbooks, etc..
6.    The ES should be no more than 2 pages.
Marks will be based on the following criteria:
ü    Strong connections/examples of PLO influence on the SLA
ü    Logically organized
ü    Proper spelling and punctuation 
ü    Proper citation
ü    The executive summary is concise and accurately summarizes the ideology of the SLA

273 Words  1 Pages
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