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Preparing for Emergencies

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Preparing for Emergencies"  Please respond to the following:

•Read the scenario below. Use the Internet to research the various grant opportunities for outfitting emergency response units. Then, select two (2) funds that you would apply for based on the scenario. Provide a rationale for your selection.
Imagine that you are the director of homeland security for a state where several high-risk terrorism targets are located. There is a high probability of hazardous material incidents and you have identified credible threats associated with the emerging sovereign citizens’ movement. Your state agency is well prepared by having response units in place. However, you don’t have the funds to properly outfit all possible response units for each of the possible threats. Your agency is eligible to receive federal grant funds and you have been tasked with researching and writing the grant proposal. 

•Over the last few years, potential pandemics have gained increased attention among law enforcement professionals at both the state and local levels. As the top law enforcement official in your community, develop a reaction plan, which contains the first three (3) main procedures to maintain public orders if a pandemic occurred. Provide a rationale for your response.

205 Words  1 Pages
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