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Discuss the training part of police misconduct in the state of Ga, the academy hours etc, police brutality Police misconduct in the public eye News Social Media Corruption/murder/brutality/ Reasons Officer training Life or death situation

Discuss the training part of police misconduct in the state of Ga, the academy hours etc, police brutality Police misconduct in the public eye News Social Media Corruption/murder/brutality/ Reasons Officer training Life or death situation

The Police are trained in different ways in order to be able to conduct different activities at ease. This has therefore see them undergoing very strict training which is necessary for making them to be able to adapt to the situations at hand and make sure that they maintain the law and order (Godwyn & Gittell, 2012). Furthermore, the Police are trained to react according to the intensity of the crime. Thus if a criminal charges back to the officer then, the officer has the right to protect his own life. This consequently means that the police is justified to kill in order to save his own life. On the other hand, if the suspects cooperates with the Police then the officer is not supposed to use any force. In order to support misconduct among the Police, the State of Georgia has therefore a police training which aims at bringing to an end police misconduct and brutality.

Each and every police officer takes part in the training in that it only takes two hours. The police are trained to deal with domestic crimes and this also take 2 hours. This allows the officers to be able to know the approaches that they are supposed to use in order to handle a domestic violence in a very good way (Godwyn & Gittell, 2012). On the other hand, the police are also trained to deal with demonstrators who turn violent. This therefore equips them thus making them able to handle different situations without injuring people. The public is also to forward those police officers who go against the law and handle them brutally without any problems. Thus the public can be able to contact the police stations and accuse the police officers who have gone against the law.


Godwyn, M., & Gittell, J. H. (2012). Sociology of organizations: Structures and relationships. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.

350 Words  1 Pages
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