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The Anti-trust Laws: Loewe v. Lawlor

            The Anti-trust Laws: Loewe v. Lawlor

            The court decision which resulted to conjunctions of the labor unions affected economy as the consumer were involved in a boycott which was  being headed by the  labor movement nationally.  This therefore meant that the consumers were not consuming goods as usual and therefore the national economy revenue generated decreased. The ruling led to economic regulations and the regulation of the constitution which was not favorable for conducting business freely.  The ruling become the most threatening decision towards the labor laws as it raised  specter to the damages and dissolution suits against the unions of labor (Archibald Cox, et al 2011).

            The ruling was effective in depriving the workers essential organizing tools which led to the reformation of the antitrust laws.  This affected the labor unions as well as labor laws as they were held responsible for treble damages that were associated with the labor movement’s activities.  The ruling restricted the obstruct combinations of conducting free commerce with the association of several more other issues.  The decision of the court resulted to the labor unions moving into the political sphere as the labor management had changed. This therefore affected the labor laws which resulted into a decrease in the economic activities in the United States (Archibald Cox, et al 2011).

            The decision additionally resulted to economic changes to economic activities regulations.  The freedom of expression through the movement was restricted as the ruling held that the strikes were not illegal regardless of the particular actions that they utilized.  The boycott therefore resulted into direct loses of revenue and properties as the economic consumption in the country dropped rapidly.  Labor provision also reduced as individuals denied securing the employment opportunities due to the enactment of the laws (Archibald Cox, et al 2011).



            Casenote Legal Briefs: Labor Law. 2011. The one keyed to Labor Law by Archibald Cox, et al. (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Frederick MD) 15th Ed., ISBN: 978-1-4548-0787-2.

326 Words  1 Pages
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