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The department of homeland security is made up of various organizations. The major organization includes US Citizenship and the Immigration Services that deals with registration of citizens in the country as well as issuing identification cards and passports. The organization aims at controlling illegal immigrants to the country (Homeland Security, 2016). The organization also has a task of controlling the number of people who visit their country. The department consists of the US Secret Service whose overall mandate is security intelligence. The organization ensures that security in the country is paramount as they act on any intelligent information about an impending attack that may jeopardize the overall peace of the nation (Homeland Security, 2016). The other main organization is the US Coast Guard. This organization protects the maritime borders of the states as well as save those in peril (Homeland Security, 2016). All these organizations are similar despite their roles in that they all aim at keep peace for the United States. A situation such as terror attack affecting one or some states will see all the organization come together by ensuring that the entry points are well sealed even in the marines, individual entering in the state are free from the terror groups and the secret service acts on the information they have relating to terror will be utilized.

Law enforcement in the US has key aspects. A primary body of the law enforcement in the US is the FBI which is a national detective agency that investigates crimes. Local law enforcement by the FBI is terrorism crimes that attract higher penalties (Welcome to the LAW, 2010). The Drug Enforcement Administration is a body that investigates drug trafficking crimes across the State’s borders and other countries. Law enforcement by the administration has the strategy of over 3,000 miles away from home in order lower the drug trafficking crimes (Welcome to the LAW, 2010).


Homeland Security (2016, June 28). Operational and Support Components. Retrieved from

Welcome to the LAW (2010, July 1). 006 Structure of Law Enforcement. Retrieved from

354 Words  1 Pages
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