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Cooperation between member’s state criminal agencies

Law Enforcement

The cooperation between member’s state criminal agencies is not binding or formal is a factor that makes the adjudication of transnational crime so difficult. The leadership of investigations is not well outlined at the international levels further making transnational crimes difficult to adjudicate. Uncertainty and uncoordinated evidence gathering as well as supra-national practitioner perspectives are factors affecting transnational crimes (Reichel & Albanese, 2013). In order to improve the leadership at international levels, it is better to have a common ground for all. This is because there shall be cooperation as well as dovetailing of the member state agencies improving the whole situation. This strategy will able have a positive influence to the national practitioners who considers the importance of cultural and legal differences as it will result in a better understanding (Reichel & Albanese, 2013). Moreover with this strategy members will be willing to have joint investigating teams yielding more success to transnational crimes.

When traffic stops are initiated there are chances of police corruption. This may come up especially in cases where the police officer may dislike the driver or there is racial discrimination. There may be chances of bribing especially when the police officer is not satisfied with their work and the driver offers to pay the officers in order to let them go when finding with a traffic offense (Baker, 2011). As a police chief, the best policy will be to monitor the offices and ensure any traffic offense is recorded. Along with this rotation will play a significant role as motorists will not get used to police officer further creating room for corruption. Therefore it is true to say that with more policies working collectively police corruption will be combated.


Baker, T. E. (2011). Effective police leadership: Moving beyond management. Flushing, NY: Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc.

Reichel, P., & Albanese, J. (2013). Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice. SAGE Publication

317 Words  1 Pages
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