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Comparative Criminal Justice System

Criminal Procedure

Response 1

    The tribunal and argument providing the right and true facts regarding the case that is being offered by the jury for a conviction of a criminal are one of the implementation that would be carried out in an adversarial system. Thus the judge will try to make certain that fairness as well as adhering to rules of law is made (Dammer & Albanese 2004). However, one side might fail to reveal crucial elements and evidence of a given case thus making one fail in having a court trial and may just have a plea bargain from the criminal and thus having a minor charge for their crime. Since this may occur in a court, the supreme judge should, therefore, motion to sustain a trial by jury.

Response 2

    Willing to give up a trial by jury would be my decision if I was on trial for committing a crime. I would, therefore, be able to get a plea agreement for the crime that I have committed so as to get a minor punishment than getting a harsher one if the jury proceeded over the case. Pleading guilty at the start would eliminate trial with a jury as most of the cases are determined through guilty pleas just before getting a trial. The right to counsel is one of the rights that I would not be willing to give up since I would experience have to have my case without any attorney. The absence of an attorney may result in a horrible consequence and a more tough punishment by the judge or else the jury. Thus the right to any help by an attorney results in a much fairer trial.




    Dammer, H., & Albanese, J. (2004). Comparative Criminal Justice System (5th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.





302 Words  1 Pages
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