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Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act

Article 1

The affordable care act (ACA) was mainly developed in order to decrease the general rate of uninsured persons in America, make insurances and health services more affordable as well as improve the general outcomes as well as performance in regard to healthcare (Feldman et al., 2015). During the general process of its design children generally were not a primary priority since prior to the reform there were more children than the general number of adults that had already been insured under private plans, Medicaid and children programs. ACA was then designed in order to offer more benefits via the provisions that are meant to ensure that the coverage becomes universal, consistent, affordable as well as substantial to the high populace in America (Feldman et al., 2015). However, there are some limitations  in regard to Act involve the exclusion were present prior to the enactment, the shortage of national standards in regard to insurance welfare, permissible reduction in regard to funding and limited knowledge and experience in regard to the fresh delivery models in regard to enhancing care while lowering the operating experiences (Feldman et al., 2015).

It is obvious that the systems, as well as the general payment, should assert adequate access as well as quality development in regard to ACA in regard to cost savings (Feldman et al., 2015). ACA is the most far-reaching regulatory reform within the health sector that has been enacted since the designing of Medicaid and Medicare. The act was developed with rather customized considerations of the general health needs of children and young individuals particularly those affected by disability. The considerations were, in particular, made to address health issues to those that are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses, psychological impairment, behavioral as well as development issues (Feldman et al., 2015). The act considered that there are some groups that need more healthcare than what is utilized by average children.

There are several forces that raised in the quest of requiring the implementation of health reform in America. Health insurance is currently the most important aspect for all Americans due to the general need to acquire quality and substantial clinical care (Feldman et al., 2015). Over the last few years, the general cost that is related to the acquisition of health care has risen rather drastically based on developments in diagnosis as well as treatment options in regard to the life expectancy in general. It is the competing cost that as in turn affected the quality and the general earning of health workers. ACA has for the last seven years been engaged in the attempt to minimize the increasing expenses, improving the conditions and minimizing the general benefits. Families were previously depending on employer’s covers which were proving to be ineffective as employers focused on minimizing the general exposure to expenses by excluding family planning options thus reducing their options (Feldman et al., 2015).

ACA has proven to be effective by minimizing the general number of Americans who are not yet insured (Feldman et al., 2015). Most uninsured individuals have in typical nature been excluded from some crucial services since they tend to enquire for health services only when they are in need of emergency services. It is rather apparent that prior to ACA the highest populace was suffering from bankruptcy due to the increased expenses related to healthcare. Everyone deserves better living and by securing the lives of young children it is apparent that the future will be comprised of healthier people (Feldman et al., 2015).

Article 2

There are a number of coverage connected provisions that occurred almost immediately after the ACA act was passed in 2010. This coverage is the most influential based on their consistent political support but it is rather sad that they have only resulted in average effects. One of the primary provision had asserted that young individuals should be eligible for the covers under the sponsorship of their parent or employers for health services (Glied & Jackson, 2017). This provision resulted in the expansion of the cover up to about three million persons. An additional coverage involved the development of a rather temporary initiative of reducing high threats. In that, the previous coverage only provided subsidized funds to those that had been diagnosed with severe chronic illnesses. This provision led to the enrollment of close to a hundred and fifty thousand persons with high expenses accounted per individual (Glied & Jackson, 2017). The limited outcomes presented a reflection of the previous coverage which was existing in most states and proved to be challenging to run and only led to the enrollment of close to two hundred thousand persons in the whole country.

In other words, the former provisions that had been applied held restricted effect on the nationwide coverage level. Prior to ACA extensive subsidies on the coverage alternatives, the general attention of the existing criticism became evident since only close to 14 percent of the elderly population had been enrolled (Glied & Jackson, 2017). However, after the ACA’s fresh coverage options become available to the national wide platform the coverage began to increase the act sort to address the issue of income and health coverage gap and health coverage in general. This subsidy is mainly developed in order to inspire families to select plans that are associated with minimal expenses among the options given to them. Simultaneously, the act also offers protection to families characterized by low income against any extreme pricing increase that might alter the condition of the market. As the level of health coverage prices increases the national subsidies also increases thus offering more protection (Glied & Jackson, 2017). The subsidies are created in order to ensure that the rise in prices does not encourage the participants to withdraw.

The fresh subsidies are mainly associated with fresh regulation terms particularly within the private market which has made it more affordable for the middle-income families (Glied & Jackson, 2017). The act has worked to ensure that the coverage offered to an individual should be accessible to every member of the given category in spite of their health condition and should not be adjusted. This implies that the pricing strategy should not be altered and should be a reflection of the insurance state and should not be different amid men and females but can vary in pricing due to age differences only by a minimal margin. More so the ACA permitted states to expand their initiatives to be able to fully offer coverage to documented residents even those that are within the poverty level and most of the expenses being catered by the federal administration (Glied & Jackson, 2017). In general, ACA has decreased the shortage of Federals and despite the fact that the coverage has led to increased net expenses the expenses involved in expansion have created a balanced amid productivity and gains. In other words, the coverage has led to increasing healthcare services access in general that is consistent with the set standards.

Article 3

The coverage of healthcare in America will be raised to close to the universal standards under ACA. However, there is an increased health difference and inequalities amid the insured and the insured on the ground of coverage eligibility. President Obama passed the ACA due to the ever rising percentage of uninsured persons in the country as well as the rising health coverage costs (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). This Act was developed with the intention of offering insurance to the underinsured and those with no insurance in America by guaranteeing them that every individual has some certain degree of accessibility rate that is suitable for health services. In addition, it was also established that close to over 32 million of uninsured persons which be able to acquire minimal and yet adequate coverage under the provision (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). The primary objective of ACA insurance coverage is to support adequate healthcare services access and also guard individuals and their respective families from the financial strains that are particularly linked to chronic illnesses. In this manner, health coverage decreases the care price that is faced by the health services consumers and this will be directly linked to increased healthcare demand.

It is proposed by evidence that the increase in the utilization of care can, in turn, lead to more improved care. With consideration of the association between health coverage and health improvements the number of those that have been enrolled and the eligible ones has increased rather drastically (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). It is through the act that more opportunities for assessing health-related issues in regard to the distinct coverage can be identified thus creating a healthier status in the most extensive context. Based on the achievements that the act has achieved so far that includes creating more expansive opportunities for eligibility, focusing on quality, accessibility and affordability it is rather evident that ACA will have more beneficial effects on the uninsured persons. It is indicated that close to 80 percent of those that had already been insured have acquired higher subsidies that have played part in improving health. The rate of uninsured persons among the elderly populace has decreased with a rate of about 7.6 percent (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). Based on 1 2016 study it has been showed that more than 25.5 million persons have acquired adequate coverage since the ACA began its operations (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). However, it is not yet time to celebrate the achievements since based on research it is apparent that the achievements have not yet met the anticipations.

The most viable explanation of the existing discrepancy might be that there are some groups that are unlikely to acquire for coverage (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). There is some form of resistance that might be deterring the entire populace from participating because of uncertainty (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). Since some states failed to expand their Medicaid coverage most of those that residents in the states besides being eligible for the coverage will retain the state of being uninsured which is affecting the expectation of the ACA (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari & Larkin, 2016). In addition, most families that are characterized by low incomes are finding it hard to combine their earnings for the coverage. It is believed that the government should focus on providing more education to the public not only to encourage them to enroll but also to notify them of the benefits and the accomplishments so far.











Feldman, H. M., Buysse, C. A., Hubner, L. M., Huffman, L. C., & Loe, I. M. (2015). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 36(3), 207–217.

Glied, S., & Jackson, A. (2017). The Future of the Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage. American Journal of Public Health, 107(4), 538–540.

Hong, Y. R., Holcomb, D., Bhandari, M., & Larkin, L. (2016). Affordable care act: comparison of healthcare indicators among different insurance beneficiaries with new coverage eligibility. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 114.



1864 Words  6 Pages
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