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The case is between a Louisiana mining firm, which wrongfully enacted unlawful labor practices while handling its union workers


For the sake of peace, sidestep strikes or lockouts, administrators arbitrate disagreements through negotiations in an attempt to calm things down and find a sustainable solution. During the tenure of a conflict, the parties involved can determines the direction of the case. NLRB’s roles centers on implementing without fear or favor the Wagner Act after critical analysis of the cases from all perspectives. This paper will evaluate a study case between a company and its union (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016)

 Key issues within the case

 The case is between a Louisiana mining firm, which wrongfully enacted unlawful labor practices while handling its union workers. A judge overseeing the case confirmed that the Louisiana Company operated in a manner that disadvantaged its workers, which is against labor laws all in America. More so, the mining company made threats of dismissing union workers, refused to come to terms with their conditions, went against the law, and altered the working environment without involving them first. Simply put, they went against the norms of the laws and acted on their own volition, which may endanger the life and source of livelihood of the employees (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016).

 The arbitrator’s ruling in the case

 In August 1st, the judge established that the case between the mining company and union workers had a valid point of view. Evidence tabled in front of Judge Margaret revealed that a branch company of the Louisiana Company, Compass Minerals unjustly denied to instantly recalling an estimated 84 union workers who initiated a strike due to the poor and lawfully application of the law, comprising of 31 others still not yet recalled by the branch firm. In addition, the judge unveiled that the parent company failed to maintain laws and regulations stipulated by the federal government hence the terms and conditions of the employment were in below the required standard hence a need for an intervention through an arbitrary case (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016).

 The judge then ordered the mining company to immediately recall the union workers and fully pay them their wages in full and maintain proper working conditions as per the labor laws require. In the entire case, the judge found a total of 15 unlawful practices based on National Labor Relations Act (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016).

 Evaluation of the ruling

Based on all the evidence tabled on the case, the mining company produces salt and located at Overland Park. The company has three mining salt areas and over the last decade, the union workers always fought for conducive working conditions every time they renewed their contract. In fact, union workers represented the grievances of the employees each time complaints came up (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016). However, when time came for the union workers to renew their contracts and resume their duties as overseers and intermediaries between the employers and employees, the employers denied the renewal. After negotiations stalled, the managers decided to take up the matter in court.

Opinion on the court ruling

 The ruling was fair and just, which gave the union workers a chance to fight back and get justice after mistreatment and unkind gesture from the administrators of the mining company. The employers ignored the plight of the workers for a long time and long arm of the law hard to force them into action.


 The company reinstated the workers and compensated them in full. The Judge found the actions of the employers unlawful and suggested ways through which they carry out their business. In the end of it all, the mining company operated under the law (National Labor Relations Board Administrative, 2016).


















 National Labor Relations Board .Administrative (2016) Law Judge Finds Louisiana Mining Company Committed Unfair Labor Practices in Dealing with Its Union Employees.










637 Words  2 Pages
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