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Intelligence against the War on Terrorism

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Paper Instructions:

Intelligence against the War on Terrorism

You serve on the staff of a US senator, who has just been appointed to the Senate Intelligence Committee. She has asked you to prepare an overview of the role of intelligence gathering in the fight against terrorism.

Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of approximately 12- to 15-slides that covers the following points:
•Explain what is meant by intelligence gathering and why it is critical to homeland security.
•Describe the role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in counterterrorism.
•Describe the role played by US embassies in intelligence gathering.
•Describe fusion centers and the role they play.
•The types of intelligence gathering: Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), and Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT).

Submit your presentation, including a cover slide, reference slide, and 12–15 slides of content, in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation 

Present the additional information in the notes section.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

174 Words  1 Pages
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