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Trends in Capital Punishment

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Paper Instructions:

Trends in Capital Punishment

One of the most controversial and current issues in criminal justice is capital punishment.

As of December, 2016, thirty-two states and the Federal government allow the use of the death penalty. Since 2007, four states have abolished the death penalty, and the rate of executions in the states that allow it has slowed dramatically. Several states have bills pending that have the potential to end or limit the use of capital punishment in those states.

Prepare a 4- to 5-page report in a Microsoft Word document on the death penalty that covers the following points:
•Illinois is one of the states that recently abolished the death penalty. Prior to making the change in the law, the governor had simply stopped signing death warrants. For what reason did the governor decide to stop approving executions? Was his reason valid? Explain your reasoning.
•Describe the "Innocence Project," including its goals and procedures. Is this group effective?
•Consider the 2002 and 2005 Supreme Court cases of Roper v. Simmons and Atkins v. Virginia. Do these decisions indicate a trend? What can you surmise about future challenges to the death penalty, based on the current Court's recent decisions?

Last, summarize the case of Stanley "Tookie" Williams:
•What were his crimes?
•Why his execution was considered controversial?

After analyzing the case, indicate whether you support the decision to execute Williams and explain your reasoning.

Support your responses with examples.

248 Words  1 Pages
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