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Recruiting and Retaining Police Officers

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Using the Internet sites such as that of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), research the topic “Hiring and Keeping Police Officers.”

On the basis of this article and your other research, address the following in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document:
•Discuss the trends in recruiting, selecting, and retaining police officers. What suggestions can you offer for improving the recruitment, selection, and retention of qualified police officers? Be specific about the traits you would seek in new recruits and why you would look for such traits.
•The article was specific to police officers. Do the same recruitment guidelines apply to other criminal justice agencies, such as a prison? How would a recruitment strategy for prison personnel differ?
•The article you reviewed was originally published in 2004 (also consider the publication dates of the other material you have read). While the basic concepts regarding the recruitment of police officers may remain applicable, consider what may have changed. What developments have occurred since then that might change a recruitment strategy for police officers? Are there any traits not discussed in the article that you believe have become desirable for new recruits?
•Discuss the role of the police captain in the area of motivation and morale. In what ways can the captain or other leaders retain good officers?

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page.

237 Words  1 Pages
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