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Select an issue from any reliable news media that pertains to US Health Policy, its development, its consequences, or any other aspect of its application in society.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Please select 3 Different Articles all need to be current events they can be one page each, make sure you cite the work.  Each article is to be separated from the others.  
Look at the instructions below.  

Select an issue from any reliable news media that pertains to US Health Policy, its development, its consequences, or any other aspect of its application in society.  Please be sure your topic relates to health policy making in the US.  Not every news item on health is relevant to this course.
•    Research the background of the policy and explain it to the class.  This will involve reading more than one article on the topic.
•    Explain why the issue is currently in the news and your prediction of the potential outcomes, including unintended consequences.
•    Include citations in APA format.

146 Words  1 Pages
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