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Imagine that you are the police chief of your local city agency: How would you organize or reorganize the department?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Create a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, OR substantive Prezi presentation that analyzes police department organization. Include the following in the presentation:
Based on the text, identify major organizational theories associated with policing.
Imagine that you are the police chief of your local city agency:
How would you organize or reorganize the department?
Would it have many specialized units? Why? Which specialized units would it have?
Would decision making be centralized or decentralized?  First define centralized or decentralized decision making.  
Significant comments (150 words or more per each slide) and APA-formatted references accompanying each slide are to be included in the Notes section for each and slide for a PowerPoint presentation or on a reference list for a Prezi presentation. 
Ensure an introduction and a conclusion is included as part of the presentation. (Speaker's notes are also included for introduction conclusion.)  
Title "page" slide is to include standard required elements - title of assignment, author, course, date, faculty's name.
Presentations submitted based solely on your personal insights and observations or solely from the assigned text readings will not receive a favorable score for content/development. As such, assignment must cite at least two academic and/or peer-reviewed sources (references) in order to validate content - see Instructor Policies regarding peer reviewed sources. 

222 Words  1 Pages
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